Saturday, May 23, 2020
The Scopes Trial And Creationism - 1053 Words
Creationism and Evolution have always been a topic in America since the Scopes Trial. The Scopes Trial took place in 1928 when the Supreme Court was deciding whether schools should teach Evolution or Creationism. The foundation of evolution is based upon the belief that the origin of all ordered complex systems, including living creatures, can be explained by natural laws without the intervention of God. In that trial the Supreme Court came to a conclusion that Evolution was banned and that creationism should be taught. However, this opinion changed in 1968 with the Epperson vs. Arkansas trial. Although evolution and creationism are theories, one of them should be taught in public schools. In my opinion Evolution should be taught in school but so should Creationism. I think students should be able to choose which theory to learn in school. None of either theory should be forced on students. The argument between teaching each one is that Evolution is a proven historically fact according to the National Academy of Sciences. The majority of those people who desire for creationism to be taught in the public schools cite that it is scientific. They push for the teaching of creation science which is defined as scientific evidence for creation and the inferences from that evidence (Tatina 275). The inferences from that evidence are sudden creation of the universe from nothing, recent formulation of the earth, creation of man and other biological kinds, a worldwide flood, andShow MoreRelatedOutcome of The Scopes Monkey Trial Essay1562 Words  | 7 PagesThe Scopes Trial, formally known as The State of Tennessee vs. Scopes but given the nickname â€Å"The Monkey Trial†, has been credited as starting the popular legal dispute between evolution and creationism in the court, and its impact in the 20’s was immeasurable. 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