Saturday, May 23, 2020
The Scopes Trial And Creationism - 1053 Words
Creationism and Evolution have always been a topic in America since the Scopes Trial. The Scopes Trial took place in 1928 when the Supreme Court was deciding whether schools should teach Evolution or Creationism. The foundation of evolution is based upon the belief that the origin of all ordered complex systems, including living creatures, can be explained by natural laws without the intervention of God. In that trial the Supreme Court came to a conclusion that Evolution was banned and that creationism should be taught. However, this opinion changed in 1968 with the Epperson vs. Arkansas trial. Although evolution and creationism are theories, one of them should be taught in public schools. In my opinion Evolution should be taught in school but so should Creationism. I think students should be able to choose which theory to learn in school. None of either theory should be forced on students. The argument between teaching each one is that Evolution is a proven historically fact according to the National Academy of Sciences. The majority of those people who desire for creationism to be taught in the public schools cite that it is scientific. They push for the teaching of creation science which is defined as scientific evidence for creation and the inferences from that evidence (Tatina 275). The inferences from that evidence are sudden creation of the universe from nothing, recent formulation of the earth, creation of man and other biological kinds, a worldwide flood, andShow MoreRelatedOutcome of The Scopes Monkey Trial Essay1562 Words  | 7 PagesThe Scopes Trial, formally known as The State of Tennessee vs. Scopes but given the nickname â€Å"The Monkey Trial†, has been credited as starting the popular legal dispute between evolution and creationism in the court, and its impact in the 20’s was immeasurable. The interpretation of the case is just as popular, if not more, than the actual result of the case. The worldwide attention and media coverage the case received produced many opinions. Scholar’s opinions range from describing the case asRead MoreCreationism vs. Evolution Essay1170 Words  | 5 Pagesthinkers such as Galileo, Copernicus, Bacon, Descartes, and many others who challenged the biblical assumptions with empirically deduced scientific theories. The Catholic Church had a nasty habit of persecuting such ideological dissent toward creationism, calling it heresy and thereby somewhat suppressing a complete upheaval of the Scriptures. For many centuries to come, the scientific research grew and developed into theories like the Big Bang and evolution, though primarily in places where suchRead More Individual Liberty Versus Majoritarian Democracy in Edward Larson’s Summer For the Gods878 Words  | 4 PagesMajoritarian Democracy in Edward Larson’s Summ er For the Gods The Scopes trial, writes Edward Larson, to most Americans embodies â€Å"the timeless debate over science and religion.†(265) Written by historians, judges, and playwrights, the history of the Scopes trial has caused Americans to perceive â€Å"the relationship between science and religion in . . . simple terms: either Darwin or the Bible was true.†(265) The road to the trial began when Tennessee passed the Butler Act in 1925 banning the teachingRead MoreCreationism : A Theory Of Primordial History1585 Words  | 7 PagesOne of the most discussed and debated phenomena in the history of education is that the hypothetical concept of evolution which can be considered as a theory of primordial history, moreover with the belief of creationism. 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Then theyRead MoreCharles Darwin s Views On Evolution And Evolution1275 Words  | 6 Pagestwo or more events, in which the occurrence of one, precludes the occurrence of the other. Creationism and evolution are two notions that can be viewed as mutually exclusive or non-mutually exclusive, depending on the evidence that you are provided with as well as one’s personal beliefs. In order to appreciate this concept it is important to understand the meanings of both opposing arguments. Creationism is the belief that the universe and living creatures originate from specific acts of divineRead MoreThe Controversy Over Creationism And Evolution1415 Words  | 6 PagesIntroduction The controversy over Creationism and Evolution is a widely debated topic, especially when it comes to what is being taught in the biology classrooms in public schools today. It may be hard to imagine, but just over 100 years ago the curriculum and beliefs would have looked dramatically different. One central court case that created a spark of bringing evolution to public schools was the infamous Scopes trial of 1925 in which science teacher John Scopes challenged Tennessee state law andRead MoreScience And Religion : A Very Short Introduction1198 Words  | 5 Pages â€Å"Darwin and Evolution†and â€Å"Creationism and Intelligent Design,†Science and Religion: A Very Short Introduction (pp. 58-103) by Thomas Dixon The author, Thomas Dixon explains Evolution and creationism in separate chapters in his book, â€Å"Science and Religion: A Very Short Introduction.†The evolution chapter talks about the history of Charles Darwin’s evolution, its challenges of the root of all living creatures as started in the Bible and it effect it has brought in American society. In the chapterRead MoreEssay on Inherit the Wind: Religion vs. Science1107 Words  | 5 Pagesexamines a trial based on the 1925 Scopes trial in Dayton, Tennessee. Often referred to as The Trial of the Century (Scopes Trial Web Page), the Scopes trial illuminated the controversy between the Christian theory of creation and the more scientific theory of evolution. John Scopes, a high school biology teacher, was arrested for illegally teaching evolutionism to his class. The meaning of the trial emerged because it was seen as a conflict of social and intellectual values (Scopes Trial WebRead More`` Alien Notion `` B y Chip Rowe1246 Words  | 5 PagesAccording to Chip Rowe, after the Supreme Court ruled that teaching biblical creationism in public school is a violation of church and state, creationist have been divided into two groups. One group called â€Å"young earthers†believe a literal interpretation of Genesis in the Bible, while the other group developed a new way to â€Å"sneak God into the classroom†by creating intelligent design or as Rowe describes it â€Å"creationism after a shower and a shave†. The creationist behind intelligent design avoid
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
Better School Programs for Mental Health - 922 Words
Currently in today’s society, coming out as gay is easier than admitting to a serious mental problem. This effect puts a burden on teens who suffer from problems and don’t know where to go; which led to the increase of teen suicides as seen in the media. In the average classroom size, about three of the twenty-four students have depression; not mentioning other common disorders such as bipolar disorder, panic disorder, ADHD, conduct disorder, and eating disorders. Without better programs in schools to prevent and inform about mental disorders, the current taboo on them, the bullying of students suffering, and the romanticization of diseases will continue to increase the negative effect mental disorders have on teens. The media may have†¦show more content†¦Graham Thoricraft, a professor of community psychiatry, released in a study that people with mental illnesses will change their expectations of social encounters and conceal their illness to avoid discrimination (Thoricraft). This starts a circle of exclusion and ignorance in the public and acts against the mentally ill will continue to happen. In schools alone bullying occurs among those suffering and pushes them farther away from recovering. Bullying in schools both increases the taboo involved with mental health, but also causes the problems in students itself. Because of being bullied those suffering will often avoid school as to not face their aggressors. The Jed Foundation, a program to promote emotional health and prevent suicide, speaks about how â€Å"Every day, nearly 160,000 students skip school because they fear being bullied. Two out of three students have witnessed a bullying incident, and a quarter of students have been bullied themselves†(The). By avoiding school, students’ self esteem plummets and they only continue to avoid their problems later on in life. Also, the effect of bullying also affects the aggressors themselves throughout their lives. Chelsea Perugini of the US Department of Health and Human Services reports how â€Å"Youth who bullied were at risk for antisocial personality disorder. Youth who bullied who were also victims of bullying were at a higher risk forShow MoreRelatedE valuating The Effectiveness And Capture The Experiences Of Adolescence That Went Through A School Based Mental Health Program1406 Words  | 6 Pagesof adolescence that went through a school based mental health program in Sweden. The majority of programs that have been implemented for depression are cognitive behavioral therapy based. Garmy points out that in Sweden students are mandated to go through nine years of education that is nationally controlled learning curriculum but that local school districts may also install extra activities such as mental health promotion and prevention programs. The program that the author evaluates is the DepressionRead MoreThe Prevalence Of Mental Illness1182 Words  | 5 PagesThis phrase could also be applied to mental illness, as many illnesses such as anorexia have frighteningly high mortality rates but often go undetected or undiagnosed for extended periods of time. In addition to their danger, mental illnesses are widespread, with 21.4 % of youth experiencing a severe mental disorder at some point during their life (National Alliance of Mental Illness, 2016). The prevalence of mental illness has raised questions of how better to provide healthcare to populationsRead MoreOccupational Therapy1053 Words  | 5 Pagesoccupational therapists. Occupational therapy in the mental health setting is one environment that has grown in popularity over the last decade. Knowing the benefits of occupational therapy in this setting, and the expansion of clients needing occupational therapy services, more funding needs to be established in this setting. In March 2014, the Protecting Access to Medicare Act was passed and signed. This included provisions of the Excellence in Mental Health Act. It is a demonstration project, consistingRead MoreThe Action Area Is Aimed At Improving The Knowledge And756 Words  | 4 Pagesto enhance their own wellbeing by making better informed decisions. Beyondblue incorporate the developing personal skills action area into their initiative through the ‘Aspire, Achieve, Affect’ program1. This program is aimed at primary school kids and entails AFL players visiting the primary school and interacting with the kids. This positions, the AFL players as role models for the kids removing the sense of isolation from peers. Furthermore, the program teaches students how to interact sociallyRead MoreChild Poverty And Its Effects On Children s Adjustment1473 Words  | 6 Pagesmajor issue in the United States. Poverty can be associated with violence, abuse, malnutrition, problems with learning ab ility and school achievement and inadequate healthcare, which can negatively affect the developmental process of a child. Poverty indirectly impacts children’s adjustment and the ability to successfully adapt in the environment. This can affect the health of children and lead to psychological disorders. While it seems impossible to completely eliminate childhood poverty, there areRead MoreThe First Lady. Obama1550 Words  | 7 Pagesabout. Michelle Obama is a very smart woman and she is trying to get people to see that having good health can help them succeed. In all actuality she is there and doing somethings that other First Ladies have not done and is which in some ways she is a great First Lady. She is a woman to look up to for a few reasons. Michelle Obama has been working to help people and bring awareness to mental health issues. Some people may ask why they should listen to her. According to Barbara O Dair, MichelleRead MoreWhy School Nurses Must Required More Mental Health Training1004 Words  | 5 PagesSchool Nurses Require More Mental Health Training This article attempts to establish that it is imperative for all school nurses to be properly trained in mental health issues. Ensuring they have the confidence needed to recognize the early signs of mental issues so they may support and intervene in a cohesive manner. The reason this article is important to mental health nursing is that it relates to many newly graduated registered nurses, who may feel inadequate in assessing mental health illnessesRead MoreBecoming A Social Worker : Rutgers University1593 Words  | 7 Pagesaddiction and mental health problems. I have seen how damaging these experiences can be on an individual. I have also witnessed the effects these experiences can have on family relationships. My personal occurrences have instilled in me a further desire to become a social worker. Rutgers University is a very well known and respected university. I have heard remarkable things about their School of Social Work as well as their MSW program. When beginning to look at graduate programs my first priorityRead MoreMy Project Of Volunteering At The Orchard Place, A Children s Mental Health Facility1281 Words  | 6 Pagesneed I am trying to fulfill is bettering the mental health of children who have had a rough upbringing. I want to know how home life influences a child’s mental health, where children can go to receive help if they need it, and how I can better their mental health to make up for what is lacking in their home life. The domain I am going to focus on is the mental domain. This ties into my project of volunteering at the Orchard Place, a children’s mental health facility. With my project, I can learn howRead MoreThe And 643 Poster Presentation1559 Words  | 7 PagesUniversity of North Carolina - Greensboro Prevention Mental Health Screening is broadly defined by NCBI as â€Å"†¦a two-part process that first identifies risk factors or early phenotypic features (behaviors, bio-markers) whose presence in individuals makes the development of psychological or behavioral problems more likely, and then segments the relevant subset of the population to receive a unique preventive intervention†(NCBI, 2009). Mental illness is also desribed as a term that â€Å"†¦ has been expanded
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Oedipus Complex in Hamlet Free Essays
Oedipus Complex in Hamlet In Shakespeare’s Hamlet, Hamlet’s personality can be explained by the Oedipus Complex. Throughout the play there are many times where he proves that he has Oedipus Complex. Oedipus Complex was not around at the time that that Hamlet was written. We will write a custom essay sample on Oedipus Complex in Hamlet or any similar topic only for you Order Now It just shows that Shakespeare saw the same personality complex’ as Freud. Freud first named the Oedipus Complex Theory in his book , An Interpretation of Dreams, in 1899. Freud states â€Å"The child takes both of its parents, and more particularly one of them, as the object of its erotic wishes. Freud explains that it is normal to have sexual desires for the parent of the opposite sex. These are normal in children and usually dissipate after the age of five. When these sexual desires do not go away and they continue into adulthood this is when someone would be considered to have an Oedipus Complex. When there is a sexual desire for the mother, as Hamlet did, a rivalry is formed between the father and the son. Hamlet’s father is in a form of a ghost, that only he can communicate with. He was murdered while Hamlet was away at school. When he returns he finds his mother, Gertrude, remarried to his father’s brother Claudius. This infuriates Hamlet, and brings out his repressed Oedipus Complex. This drives Hamlet crazy. He is consumed and outraged by this incestuous marriage. Now I use the word incestuous because in those days it was considered incest to marry your husband’s brother. What needs to be explained is exactly what Hamlet it is upset over. It is to be assumed that he is outraged because Claudius has replaced his own father’s place next to his mother. This is not the case. Hamlet is upset because Claudius has taken his place next to his mother. Hamlet’s deepest wish is to be king and his mother, Gertrude, queen. Thus proving the Oedipus Complex theory further. Children will have feeling of hate toward the parent of the same sex this theory states. Hamlet has many hateful tendencies towards both of his fathers, Hamlet, the Prince of Denmark, and Claudius. We know from reading the play that Hamlet’s father was not affectionate or spend any quality time with him. He spent a lot of time at war. Although he had anger towards him, he could never show it. He repressed it. For Claudius on the other hand, Hamlet’s feelings of hatred are expressed much more openly. Hamlet internally fights with his feelings towards Claudius. His father has come to him as a ghost, telling him that Claudius is responsible for his murder. Hamlet must avenge his father, but struggles to do so. Subconsciously, Hamlet identifies with Claudius. Hamlet envies Claudius for killing his father and taking his position next to Gertrude. This is everything Hamlet has subconsciously wanted to do. So in essence he cannot kill Claudius because, in part, he would be killing himself. Hamlet is consumed with thoughts of his mother having sexual relations with Claudius. A very significant part of the play is Act III Scene IV. This is where Hamlet and his mother meet in her closet. The closet is very meaningful because this signifies hiding. The bedroom is significant because this is where private situations occur. Maybe Shakespeare played out this important scene in the bedroom to show the sexual feelings Hamlet has for his mother. In this scene Hamlet confronts his mother about her relationship with Claudius. He does not come off as a son asking concerning questions towards his mother. He acts jealous while he asks her how she can stand to be touched by him. These are not normally son to mother questions. He is explicit in what he says and concentrates of her sexual acts between her and Claudius. You could explain it more as an obsession. At the end of this scene it is obvious that Hamlet is jealous of the attention Gertrude is giving Claudius. Hamlet, as a child, would have found pleasure in these feelings towards his mother, but now it is a feeling of disgust. This further proves the Oedipus Complex Theory. Hamlet is so consumed with his mother’s relationship with Claudius. He in turns shows similar feelings towards Ophelia. He toys with her emotions as he feels Gertrude toys with his. Throughout the play Hamlet is struggling with his repressed feelings towards his mother, his hatred for his fathers, and avenging his father. The same reason he could never act out on his hatred for his father is the same reason he must avenge him. It is his moral code. He struggles with avenging his father though because he is so focused on the incestuous relationship between his mother and Claudius. He can’t truly avenge his father until Gertrude dies. At that time the Oedipus Complex is released and he is able to carry out his duties and kill Claudius. How to cite Oedipus Complex in Hamlet, Papers
Friday, May 1, 2020
Opportunities and threats in Woolworths-Free-Samples for Students
Question: Evaluate the Opportunities and threats that exist for your chosen Organisation. Answer: Introduction Woolworths is one of the famous and largest supermarket chain located in Australia and the firm is owned by the Woolworths Limited. Woolworths was established in the year 1924 and initiated with a store in Sydneys Imperial Arcade. The stated company was founded by Stanley Edward Chatterton and his partner Percy Christmas had started the first floor shop of Frock Salon in Queen Victoria Market. On 22nd September in the year 1924, the company got registered as Woolworths limited. About 15000 shares were given to public even if there was small confidence in the business firm(Woolworths in the community, 2006). And only 11707 shares got subscribed by 29 people by those who are close relatives and friends of promoters. The store was an immediate success as in its initial year the firm waged a dividend of 5%, in the second year 40% and in the third year about 50%. Today, the company sells a wide range of products that includes digital products, food, home ware and also clothing. The company also has a financial service in a joint venture with Absa bank. The financial service includes services like store cards, Woolworths visa card and also loan service to customers. This report will demonstrate the market segments and target market of the stated organization with the help of PESTEL analysis. It will also show the nature of competition of the company by describing the strengths and weaknesses of the firm with their competitors. Growth Woolworths is a strong business with lots of growth potential and the firm is already aware of the challenges it confront to realize that potential. The company always places its customers at the core of their heart and it has updated their operating framework for indicating evolving customers demands and expectations(Walsh, 2011). Woolworths has framed its three year growth and development strategy on the basis of a new Lean Retail operating framework. This model allow investment in developing all factors of the customers demand that includes a commitment to pioneering, better convenience, lower costs and improved and modified customer services. The company uses Lean Retail framework which establish according to their traditional approach of driving growth through searching competence, as well, as by investing in customers with a simple recognition that the approach requires to be modified to a modern world("Woolworths Group", 2017). The Lean Retail Model of Woolworths mainly focuses on three areas for reducing the cost, those three areas are growing customers, improving cost efficiency and cost position through conducting original dollar costs out in less inflation situation("Woolworths Group", 2017). As it is known that price is the most effective key for growth, so the firm invests in ensuring that it will not be compressed on price but customers are now demand for major use of technology and modern offers to make their shopping experience enjoyable and easier. Profitability Woolworths mainly focuses in the supermarkets, liquor and food as all this business sector is the large contributor to the companys revenues. The sale of the company has been increasing continuously from 2015-2017 and the enhancement in the sale has been steady from $47,034 in 2015 to $54,142 in 2017. The launch of a new framework Lean Retail model helps the company to concentrate on line items, end-to-end supermarket improvements in supply chain management and also on reorganization("Woolworths Limited Business Case and Beyond", 2017). The company has taken huge reformation activities for launching supply chain effectiveness and costs saving practices. This is simply proved from the matter that cost savings of Woolworths have been predicted to around $0.8 billion in the past 10 years. With the effectiveness and rationalization initiated in the non-food department, it has been estimated that there cost savings could be increased in the future(Walsh, 2011). The major accomplishment f or Woolworths is the declination in the cost of goods sold. This simply highlights the effectiveness in sales and the major exchange rate of receivables to cash. The higher revenue growth can be credited to the development in customer share at Australian supermarket. With the launch of online shopping facility and through its goodwill in the market, allows the company to access as a large team of population. Online sales are the large contributor to the revenues and profitability of the company and in the future food and liquor will continue to be the major revenue contributors to the company("The Australian Food Industry - Retail Sector: Woolworths", 2017). It has been observed from the data that, food and liquor contributed around 36176 in 2015 which is increased by 4% i.e. 34675 in the year 2017. So, it can be said that food and liquor sector will continue to be the competitive benefit and for profitability in the future and Woolworths should concentrate on increase its potential for this sector. PESTEL Analysis Political- The political situation affects the performance of Woolworths to a huge level. Australian Federal Government has currently introduced a competition rule that prevents large independent company like Woolworths in eliminating rivalry. Economic- Declination in the situation of economic situation in Australia has an impact over the performance of Woolworths specifically because there has been the reduction in the economic activity in Australian markets. Social- The social factor affects Woolworths in terms of that, the companies operating all around the Australia have to gain higher communal and societal growth as the current social trends into consumers involves that they mainly prefer socially accountable companies and Woolworths create important influence over its consumers. Technological- Technological factor affects the Woolworths as it can be observed from the fact that the company has determined the claim of green refrigeration technology so that the unpreserved goods can be reserved for long term period. Environmental- The environmental factors influences Woolworths in the sense that the petrol and winemaking business of Woolworths are pretence unfavorable threats on the activities of environmental situations. Legal- The legal aspect in the term of carbon tax as executed all over the Australia has effected certainly Woolworths("The Australian Food Industry - Retail Sector: Woolworths", 2017). An evaluation of Woolworths shows that the policy by Australian Consumer Commission has affected the performances of the firm all over the economy. Market segments A market segment is a group of individuals that shares one or more same characteristics, combined together for the marketing purpose. Each and every market segment of Woolworths is quite unique and the firms management uses different criteria in order to create a target market for their services and products. Marketing expertise method each segment distinctly after completely understanding the personality, demands, lifestyle and needs of the target customers. For meeting the basic criteria of market segment, Woolworths presents uses three characteristics of criteria, firstly, there are homogeneity between the same needs of the segment(Stiegert Kim, 2009). Secondly, there are different needs that form the segment unique from others. And lastly, there are also needs of a common reaction that predictable to marketing. Segmentation Market segmentation includes segmenting a market into groups with different needs and demands("Price Determination in the Australian Food Industry", 2017). Segmentation strategy is a concept which helps in creating a dominant position, which rivalries are unable to get that position successfully. Woolworths segmentation variables are described in the following: Geographic segmentation- Woolworths, apart from its base situation in Australia, also operates in 13 international markets. A segmentation of the market is accordance with the way country is going on and major attention is delivered to the particular needs of every geographic segments("Price Determination in the Australian Food Industry", 2017). Additionally, subdivision is formed among the local markets and cities of every nation to implement its products to local situations. Demographic segmentation- Demographic segmentation is related to the variables like sex, family size, stage of life, age, education, income, social class and many more. Woolworths conduct this information from the Woolworths Club card in combination with the data of the same user and also help the company to classify their customers based on their particular needs(Klan, 2007). Psychographic segmentation- Woolworths acknowledged the original psychological wants of the customers and selects to cover up those for which the customer really cares(Klan, 2007). So the company has created various different lifestyle magazines which basically targets to different tastes and personalities of people. Behavioral segmentation- Club card is the main tool which allows Woolworths to establish a extraordinary knowledge of the buying behavior of the customers(Klan, 2007). This involves knowledge of when, where and what customers purchases, their commitment to particular brand, the rate of product utilization and also where customers spend their time in shopping. Target markets The target market of Woolworths is higher income earners. The lifestyle of the customers has to bear the products higher cost. Woolworth targets at social growth and concentrate on the environmental wants of the people in Australia. Woolworths sells its commodities to major ranges of consumers. The main strategy of the company is to raise its share of market in future as well(Economic structure and performance of the Australian retail industry, 2011). The target market of the company aims to attract more people according to a range of age. The advertising targets at every age group of individuals. The company believes that it is essential to sell the commodities to a huge range of customers for gaining competitive benefit. Customers buy and use the Woolworths product for daily use only. So customers does not spend more time on selecting the products and comparing those with the others, as the products are for daily use and easy to find its substitutes. Woolworths can divide the market by business type and customers(E. A., 2016). As the online business has established by Woolworths, the company should focus on the online B2C market. Additionally, the oversea markets like Chinese market will drive attention of huge customers. So, Woolworths should also choose traditional type and online in China as the targets. Nature of competition Woolworths is one of the largest growing retail supermarkets in Australia. So, the retail business of the firm confronts competition for products, customers, store sites, employees and various other essential areas from non-traditional retailers. Woolworths ability for attracting customers is relied in large part upon a brand recognition, quality, promotional strategies and continued development into new markets(Dunford, 2017). Moreover, the nature and extent to which their competitors execute different promotional and pricing activities, in response to enhancing competition and firms response to all these competitive actions. The supply chain service of Woolworths is mainly wholesale distribution and involves a third- party logistics part. The distribution part of the firms supply chain business competes nationally in a major segmented market area, with major domestic and international firms and various smaller firms, according to the transportation and warehousing logistic specialists(Dunford, 2017). The ability to provide asset, non-asset and cost based design manages consumer supply chains. Woolworths as a whole is hugely segmented, particular segments are recently experiencing few consolidations that results in rivalries with hugely developed financial resources, development in their competitive places and major market penetration(Crothers, 2012). Woolworths retailing business can result in the provision of major ranges of services and products at competitive costs by such consolidations firms, which can affect the financial condition of the company. Comparison of Weaknesses and Strengths Woolworths Strength-It is one of the oldest and famous retail brand situated in Australia. It has a powerful branding and many youngsters of the country have started their jobs at Woolworths firstly. The company has large market share and major number of supermarket("Competition Issues in the Food Chain Industry", 2013). The strength of Woolworths is that, the company is the market leader in retail industry of Australia and its leadership position increases the potentiality of the firm in exploiting the market potential by its powerful resources in a technological resources form, better presence around the industry. Weaknesses- Woolworths has its weakness in its growth strategy that mainly affects through external atmosphere situation that has its impacts over it potentiality in dominating the retail industry in Australia. Coles Strength- Coles is the second largest grocery company situated in Australia and mostly controls around 24% of market share in the retail marketing business for mainly petrol. The products produced by the company is 100% cost saving products("Competition Issues in the Food Chain Industry", 2013). The combination of different products offered by Coles leads to a considerable amount of savings for the customers. Weaknesses- Coles faces issues with the suppliers as Australian suppliers are not very good with the supermarkets("Australia Consumer and Retail Trends", 2014). If the company does not have win situation with the major players then it can cause severe damage to the retailers because the suppliers creates the huge backbone of the retailing companies. Comparison As compared to Coles, Woolworths have cheap baskets of groceries in comparison to identical basket at Coles. On the basis of data, it has been identified that a basket of 110 packaged fresh foods and groceries at Woolworths cost $573 in comparison to $586 at Coles("Competition Issues in the Food Chain Industry", 2013). According to the promotional costs, the Woolworths basket is 23% and more cheap that 26% at Coles. Positioning Map According to Wind, a product positioning is the place that a product occupies in the given marketplace as perceived by the relevant groups of customers. Positioning starts with a product, a piece of merchandise, a service, a company or even a person. Positioning is not what is done to a product or retail brand, but it is about the image it has created in the minds of target customers. The positioning of the product is in the minds of the target customers. It is important to state here that in order to create a perception, the product or service of a company must be perceived by the selected target customers to have a distinct image("Australia Consumer and Retail Trends", 2014). As in the case of Woolworths, which is the most trusted and reliable brand in Australia has a great image in front of its primary target customers. The branding strategy is one of the most important factors behind the success of the organisation and each element of the branding strategy of the company is very well managed and implemented. Figure 1: market share of Woolworths Source: ("Australia Consumer and Retail Trends", 2014) Conclusion From the above report it has been analyzed that Woolworths has framed its three year growth and development strategy on the basis of a new Lean Retail operating framework. The sale of the company has been increasing continuously from 2015-2017 and the enhancement in the sale has been steady from $47,034 in 2015 to $54,142 in 2017. It has been also found that Woolworths sells its commodities to major ranges of consumers. The main strategy of the company is to raise its share of market in future as well. The target market of the company aims to attract more people according to a range of age. References Australia Consumer and Retail Trends. (2014). Retrieved from Competition Issues in the Food Chain Industry. (2013). Retrieved from Crothers, L. (2012). Australia Retail Foods. Retrieved from Dunford, R. (2017). STRATEGY FOR SUCCESSFUL ENTRY INTO A CONCENTRATED AND HIGHLY COMPETITIVE MARKET. Retrieved from A., F. (2016). Family Buying Behavior Of Female Consumers In Retail Industry.RA Journal Of Applied Research. Economic structure and performance of the Australian retail industry. (2011). Melbourne. Klan, A. (2007). Australian invasion.Journal Of Retail Leisure Property,6(4), 291-293. Price Determination in the Australian Food Industry. (2017). Retrieved from Stiegert, K., Kim, D. (2009). Structural Changes in Food Retailing: Six Country Case Studies.FSRG Publication. Retrieved from!food_retailingchapter2.pdf The Australian Food Industry - Retail Sector: Woolworths. (2017). Retrieved from Walsh, B. (2011).When the shopping was good. Dublin: Irish Academic Press. Woolworths Group. (2017).CORPORATE RESPONSIBILITY STRATEGY 2020. Retrieved from Woolworths in the community. (2006). [Bondi Junction, N.S.W.]. Woolworths Limited Business Case and Beyond. (2017). Retrieved from
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