Monday, December 16, 2019
The Character of Othello Essay - 609 Words
The Character of Othello As the play progresses, Othello’s character goes through many changes which happen as a result of him falling victim to Iago’s evil schemes. At first he is introduced as an army general who is respected for what he does but still discriminated against for being black. Othello is a victim to racism throughout the play. He is often referred to as â€Å"the Moor†even by his beloved Desdemona and is also called by more offensive terms. Iago uses animal imagery in referring to Othello as an â€Å"old black ram†. The use of animal imagery degrades Othello and use of the word â€Å"black†implies that black people were thought to be as low as animals. Emilia also calls Othello â€Å"the†¦show more content†¦He decides to put doubt in Othello’s mind with regards to Desdemona and â€Å"undo her credit with the Moor†. He tells Othello to â€Å"beware of jealousy†and â€Å"the green eyed monster†and echoes Brabantio’s words of Desdemona having â€Å"deceived her father†and in order to make sure his ‘poison’ has sunk in he repeatedly says that he fears he has upset Othello’s mood. â€Å"I see this hath a little dashed your spirits†, â€Å"I ‘fait h, I fear it has†and â€Å"My lord I see you’re moved†. In doing so Othello’s character starts to change for the worse. Moreover, Iago sins against Desdemona and Cassio by degrading them in Othello’s eye and as he does so he hurts Othello. Iago says that in sleep he heard Cassio say â€Å"Sweet Desdemona let us be wary, let us hide our love†and states that Cassio â€Å"laid his leg over his thigh and sighed, and kissed, and then cried ‘Cursed fate that gave thee to the Moor’†. This causes Othello to be overrun with jealousy and anger and to no longer think clearly. He makes a savage threat against Desdemona saying he will â€Å"tear her all to pieces†and he tells Iago to let him hear him say â€Å"that Cassio’s not alive†. Othello is now under the complete influence of Iago and his emotions. His anger is overwhelming him and his feelings for Desdemona have almost vanished as he plans to kill her, â€Å"let her rot and perish, and be damned tonight, for she shall not live†. Iago thenShow MoreRelatedCharacter Analysis : Othello 1255 Words  | 6 PagesPavle Burazor Ms. Ã… kiljević ENG3U1 06-Jan-2015 Character Flaws in Othello The play Othello bears great similarity to that of the Greek myth of Sisyphus, the king of Ephyra; where Sisyphus was sentenced to forever push a boulder up a hill. This makes resemblances the climb to a climax and the fall, with three main characters, each pushing a boulder up a hill; Othello one of trust, Iago one of manipulation and Roderigo pushing one of foolishness. 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